Facts of the Formula

Reasons Behind the Recipe

For energy of course! Caffeine is probably one of the most commonly used substances for its ability to provide us with a satisfying boost of energy. When consumed responsibly, caffeine can give us a great variety of benefits. Not only does caffeine provide energy, it also may improve short term memory as well as increasing athletic performance such as strength and endurance! The main drawback is that caffeine may cause a rise in blood pressure to those sensitive to caffeine. It does this by causing the blood vessels in our bodies to narrow, restricting the flow. But no worries, we already have a solution to this problem! Keep reading to learn more.

L-citrulline, the single ingredient that plays more roles than any other. It is an amino acid that is converted into nitric oxide by the liver. Nitric oxide causes our blood vessels to widen allowing blood to flow more freely. If you think about it, this can lead to a wide variety of benefits! From increased nutrient delivery, decreased blood pressure, and even an increase in oxygen delivery throughout the body, L-citrulline can provide some amazing benefits!

L-theanine is another amino acid which helps improve brain function. Studies suggest that when combined with caffeine, L-theanine can help improve several brain functions such as focus and attention.

Panax ginseng is a plant that grows in North and South Korea, Siberia, and China. The extract made from the root is an antioxidant and typically is used to improve cognitive functions such as memory, focus, and problem solving. As a bonus, panax ginseng may also help combat fatigue, boost energy, and strengthen the immune system!

BCAAs, or branched chain amino acids, are 3 essential amino acids that are not produced by the body. These nutrients must be provided by our diet in order to receive their benefits. Among many benefits, BCAAs combat fatigue, muscle soreness after a workout, and may also boost muscle growth!

Potassium and sodium are electrolytes that help maintain fluid levels inside and outside our cells. This helps keep us properly hydrated and aids in muscle contraction which keeps our bodies moving. However too much sodium and too little potassium can lead to elevated blood pressure, so we chose to keep sodium levels low and increase the potassium to help prevent a rise in blood pressure.

We all love something sweet every now and then. However there are many negative side effects to consuming excessive sugar. When we consume sugar, our blood sugar levels quickly rise which causes the body to raise levels of insulin to absorb the sugar and bring blood sugar levels back to normal. If this rise and fall of insulin production happens often by consuming too many sugary beverages regularly, it can stress out the thyroid and potentially increase the risk of diabetes. For this reason we have decided to leave sugar out of the equation, and as an added benefit, our drinks are free of calories and carbohydrates!